Steven Kasamba – Founder & Director

Steven has also quoted “I believe in teamwork and expression of skills, talent and the awareness of the individual through various roles and contributions when engaged in art as this, contributes to the welfare of our society’’.
In 2013, Steven founded Bantu Arts as a way of realising his dreams. Since then, Steven has worked hard and has had much success in bringing his dreams to fruition. It is his enthusiasm and experience about the importance of expressing talent through African arts, his empathetic and selfless style of teaching that has been essential in clients wanting to work with him again and again. Having been a founder, manager and director of few other African organisations, Steven has worked with several high-profile artists and supported many organisations within the Performing Arts. He is also closely linked to the Uganda High Commission and the Uganda Tourism Board which also shows recognition and appreciation of his profile as an artist, director and founder of Bantu Arts. Some of the article written about Steven Kasamba: Pakeman Primary School, African Revival, Walton & Weybridge Amateur Operatic Society, Farnborough Hill